Intro to Spanish Typing Master

We are glad to know that you want to use our Online Spanish Typing . We will try our best to help you. That is why we have prepared a good and easy Online Spanish Typing for you. In it you can learn Spanish typing very easily and quickly. With the help of this you can easily pass the official Spanish typing test. Then why are you waiting, use our online typing as soon as possible and learn Spanish typing.

Benefits of Online Spanish Typing:

With the help of online Spanish typing you can easily pass any Spanish typing test. The Spanish language is very important in your life. If you know Spanish typing then you can easily get jobs related to Spanish typing. If you want to send an e-mail or message to someone, they can easily write in their language Spanish. You will be able to do everything with Spanish typing easily if you have learned Spanish typing. That is why I request you to use our online Spanish typing tutor and learn Spanish typing easily.

History of Spanish language :

The Spanish language, also known as Castilian, is a Romance language that evolved from the spoken Latin language of the Roman Empire. Latin was introduced to the Iberian Peninsula by the Roman conquest in the 3rd century BC, and it gradually replaced the local Celtic languages and Iberian languages.

Over time, Latin evolved into a distinct Romance language known as Vulgar Latin, which was the spoken language of the people in the region. In the 8th century, the Moors invaded the Iberian Peninsula and brought with them the Arabic language, which had a significant influence on the development of the Spanish language. Arabic loanwords and grammatical structures were incorporated into the local Vulgar Latin, leading to the emergence of a new dialect known as Mozarabic.

In the 11th century, the Kingdom of Castile emerged as a powerful state in northern Spain, and the dialect of Castile became the dominant language of the region. It was during this time that the first written texts in Castilian began to appear, and the language continued to evolve over the following centuries.

During the Age of Exploration in the 16th and 17th centuries, Spanish became a major global language as Spanish explorers and colonizers established colonies and trading posts throughout the Americas, Asia, and Africa. As a result, Spanish adopted many loanwords and influences from the indigenous languages of these regions, as well as from other European languages.

Today, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, with over 460 million native speakers and millions more who speak it as a second language. It is an official language in Spain and many Latin American countries, and it is widely used as a second language in the United States and other parts of the world.

Spanish Alphabet

The Spanish alphabet, also known as the "alfabeto" or "abecedario", consists of 27 letters. The 26 letters are the same as those used in the English alphabet, with the addition of one letter, "ñ", which comes after "n". The letters of the Spanish alphabet are:


The pronunciation of the letters in the Spanish alphabet is generally similar to their pronunciation in English, with a few exceptions. For example, the letter "c" is pronounced like "s" when it appears before the vowels "e" and "i", as in "ciudad" (city) or "ceniza" (ash). The letter "g" is also pronounced differently when it appears before the vowels "e" and "i", as in "gente" (people) or "girar" (to turn).

It's worth noting that while the Spanish alphabet contains the same letters as the English alphabet, the pronunciation of some of the letters may be slightly different. Additionally, the Spanish language uses several diacritical marks, such as the acute accent (´) and the tilde (~), which can change the pronunciation of certain letters or indicate stress on a particular syllable in a word.

Spanish Consonants

The Spanish language has 19 consonant sounds, represented by 21 letters of the alphabet. These consonants are:

  • B: pronounced like "b" in "boy"
  • C: pronounced like "k" when it appears before the vowels "a", "o", or "u", and like "th" in "thin" when it appears before the vowels "e" or "i"
  • Ch: pronounced like "ch" in "chair"
  • D: pronounced like "d" in "dog"
  • F: pronounced like "f" in "fan"
  • G: pronounced like "g" in "go" when it appears before the vowels "a", "o", or "u", and like "h" in "he" when it appears before the vowels "e" or "i"
  • H: silent, with the exception of some loanwords where it is pronounced like "h" in "hot"
  • J: pronounced like "h" in "hot"
  • K: pronounced like "k" in "king", and used mostly in loanwords
  • L: pronounced like "l" in "love"
  • Ll: pronounced like "y" in "yes"
  • M: pronounced like "m" in "man"
  • N: pronounced like "n" in "no"
  • Ñ: pronounced like "ny" in "canyon"
  • P: pronounced like "p" in "pan"
  • Q: pronounced like "k" in "king", and used only before the vowel "u"
  • R: pronounced with a trill, similar to the "r" sound in some Scottish and Irish dialects
  • Rr: pronounced with a strong trill, like a longer version of the single "r" sound
  • S: pronounced like "s" in "sun"
  • T: pronounced like "t" in "top"
  • V: pronounced like "b" in "boy", but with less vibration of the lips
  • W: pronounced like "w" in "water", and used mostly in loanwords
  • X: pronounced like "ks" in "box" or "gz" in "exist"
  • Y: pronounced like "y" in "yes"
  • Z: pronounced like "s" in "sun"

It's worth noting that Spanish consonants may be pronounced slightly differently depending on the regional dialect and the position of the consonant in a word. Additionally, Spanish has a unique feature known as "syllable-timed" pronunciation, where each syllable is pronounced with roughly the same length and stress, which can affect the way consonants are pronounced.

Vowels in Spanish

The Spanish language has five vowel sounds: "a", "e", "i", "o", and "u". Each of these vowels can be pronounced with a short or long sound, depending on the word and the context. The Spanish vowel sounds are generally pronounced more clearly and distinctly than in English.

Here are the basic pronunciation guidelines for the Spanish vowel sounds:

  • "A": pronounced like the "a" in "father"
  • "E": pronounced like the "e" in "bet"
  • "I": pronounced like the "ee" in "meet"
  • "O": pronounced like the "o" in "boat"
  • "U": pronounced like the "oo" in "boot"

In addition to the basic vowel sounds, Spanish also uses diacritical marks to indicate stress and pronunciation changes for certain words. The acute accent (´) is used to indicate that a vowel is stressed in a word, as in "árbol" (tree), where the stress is on the first syllable. The diaeresis (¨) is used to indicate that two vowels should be pronounced separately, as in "pingüino" (penguin), where the "u" has a separate sound from the "i".

FAQ-Frequently Asked Questions

1.How to start Spanish Typing?

  1. Firstly open the website.
  2. Choose Spanish language.
  3. Click on start typing.
  4. Fill your name and email address.
  5. Click to start.

2.What is the position of body while typing?

Firstly sit fully straight on a stool. Use your both hands and 10 fingers while typing. Set fingers on their positions and make sure your hands are on floating position. Not to touch the keyboard expect fingers.

3.How to build up the speed or accuracy in the Spanish Typing point?

The first step to incline typing speed is concentration while typing just focus on the screen. As “practice makes the man perfect”. If speed does not increase at once try again and again until when your speed will be 30+ and accuracy will be 94+.

4.How to change the language of the typing point?

In the right side of the home page a significant number of languages are displayed. You can select any of them and enjoy typing. There are a lot of languages such as Spanish, English, Spanish, etc.

5.How to know about different languages?

At the home page there is the brief description present about the different languages. By this, you can cane to know about particular language from which you are not familiar about. Moreover, a bit little history is also displayed on this screen.

6.How to get the certificate from typing point?

Just give an exam and get a certificate of the typing skill which can be used for different job purposes. Certificate will be in 2 languages that is Spanish and English.

7.What are the benefits of using typing point?

There are ample of benefits of using this website you can enjoy a lot of languages in a particular site. Beside this, this is the only site which can provide free online certificate which can help ones to seeking different type of jobs. Along with this, which the help of this typing point you can definitely learn typing in 10-12 days by practicing continuously 1 how a day.

8.Is it safe to type any of the private information on your Typing point?

Yes, we takes care of everyone’s privacy even though we also don’t know what are you typing here, it is just in between you and your personal computer.

9.Why people need to use

It is well designed website to improve or learn your typing skills in each and every language and it provides accurate result of your speed and accuracy of spelling. Moreover, it provides a certificate of typing to the users.