Typing Tutor

10 typing lessons and exercises.With the help of this, you can learn Gujarati typing very easily and quickly.

Typing Practice

There are 30+ paragraph tests. With the help of this, you can pass the official Gujarati typing test easily


With the help of English to Gujarati Converter you can write Gujarati without any experience and easily.

Free Gujarati

WPM : 0 CPM : 0 Accuracy : 0

🕑 5:00 Timer


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Gujarati typing test: A beginner's guide

Gujarati typing tests are a great way to measure your typing speed and accuracy. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as job applications, school assignments, and personal development.

What is an Gujarati typing test?

An Gujarati typing test is a timed assessment of your ability to type in Gujarati. The test typically involves typing a passage of text for a set amount of time, such as one or two minutes. Your speed and accuracy are measured in words per minute (WPM).

Type Faster, Work Smarter! Try Our Speed Booster! 💻✨

🕑 60 Timer


📈 0WPM

CPM📊 0

ખાલસા એ પુરૂષો અને સ્ત્રીઓ છે જેમણે શીખ બાપ્તિસ્મા સમારોહ પસાર કર્યો છે અને જેઓ શીખ આચાર સંહિતા અને સંમેલનોનું સખતપણે પાલન કરે છે અને વિશ્વાસના નિર્ધારિત શારીરિક લેખો પહેરે છે. એક વધુ ધ્યાનપાત્ર છે તે કાપેલા વાળ છે (જેને ઢાંકવા માટે જરૂરી છે. પુરુષો માટે પાઘડી) અને કિરપાન (ઔપચારિક તલવાર). 1708 માં તેમના મૃત્યુ પહેલા ગુરુ ગોવિંદ સિંહે જાહેર કર્યું કે શીખોને હવે જીવનનિર્વાહની જરૂર નથી અને તેમના આધ્યાત્મિક અનુગામી શ્રી ગુરુ ગ્રંથ સાહિબ તરીકે નિયુક્ત કર્યા, તેમના ભૌતિક અનુગામી ખાલસા તરીકે. ગુરુ ગોવિંદ સિંઘને લાગ્યું કે શીખોને તેમના રોજિંદા જીવનમાં આધ્યાત્મિક માર્ગદર્શન માટે જરૂરી તમામ ડહાપણ શીખોના શાશ્વત ગુરુ શ્રી ગુરુ ગ્રંથ સાહિબમાં મળી શકે છે. શ્રી ગુરુ ગ્રંથ સાહિબ ધાર્મિક ગ્રંથોની દુનિયામાં અનન્ય છે કારણ કે માત્ર એટલું જ નહીં. તે શીખ ધર્મના આધ્યાત્મિક વડા હોવાનો દરજ્જો આપે છે, પરંતુ ગુરુઓની કવિતા ઉપરાંત, તેમાં અન્ય ધર્મોના સંતોના લખાણો પણ છે જેમના વિચારો શીખ ગુરુઓના વિચારો સાથે સુસંગત હતા. શીખ ધર્મમાં કોઈ પાદરી નથી, જે ગુરુ ગોવિંદ સિંહ દ્વારા નાબૂદ કરવામાં આવ્યા હતા.

15s 15s 30s| 30s 60s| 60s 120s| 120s


The state of Gujarat, the union territory of Daman Diu, and Dadar Nagar Haveli all have Gujarati as their official language. Over 70 million individuals, or 7 billion people, speak Gujarati as their first language. Gujarati, a current Indo-Aryan language, originated from Sanskrit. There are 12 vowels and 36 consonants in the Gujarati alphabet, which is written from left to right. There are 48 letters in the entire Gujarati alphabet.

Gujarati Fonts name

There are non-Unicode fonts and Unicode fonts. Unicode fonts are available everywhere and are supported by all operating systems. Distinctive language is considered to be text that has been typed using Unicode fonts.Non-Unicode fonts used to type unintelligible text. Unicode fonts are supported by Mac OS, Windows, and Linux.

Fonts Name


Shruti Fonts is designed by Raghunath Joshi (Type Director), Santosh Kshirsagar.The Gujarati script in India uses the OpenType font Shruti. The font was created to be used as a UI font and is based on Unicode. It also includes TrueType outlines.


This Unicode font is one of the most widely used and well-liked fonts. It was created by Kanban Software and is intended to be distributed alongside Nature Editor only. Devanagari, Kannada, Gujarati, Sinhalese, Tamil, and Telugu support are included in this.


Gopika font is a non-Unicode Gujarati font.This is one of the most fashionable yet straightforward and well-liked fonts for Gujarati people.


Saumil font is a non-Unicode Gujarati font.The name of Saumil font is the name of its developer, Saumil Shah's name has been taken. This is stylish or popular Gujrati font. if you like Gujrati typing you love this font.


Saral font is a non-Unicode Gujarati font.To make your resume experience section easier to skim through, you can use the Gujrati Saral font. One of Google's iconic fonts is Open Sans, which was released in 2011. It has enormous, tall letters.


Shree font is a non-Unicode Gujarati font.Gujarati script is created using English characters and these fonts. If you don't already have Shree Lipi fonts installed on your computer, you won't be able to correctly read Gujarati content written in these fonts.


Sarpanch font is a non-Unicode Gujarati font.Sarpanch is a basic, sans-serif font designed by Indian Type Foundry. The font is licensed under SIL Open Font License.


These are old but most popular Gujarati font.Avantika font is a non-Unicode Gujarati font.

LMG Laxmi

LMG Laxmi font is a non-Unicode Gujarati font.

LMG Rupen

LMG Rupen font is a non-Unicode Gujarati font.

LMG Arun

LMG Arun font is a non-Unicode Gujarati font.

Let us know what is the correct way of keeping fingers on the keyboard.

First of all, we will know what will be the position of our body and our hands. First of all, we will keep our head and body straight, keep our shoulders relaxed.Keep your fingers on the keyboard keys and don't let your wrists touch the keyboard, always look at the screen while typing.Type without looking at the keyboard

Rest your fingers on the keyboard as shown in the picture.

Let us know which finger press which key

Typing is always done with the help of all four fingers and both thumbs of both the hands.First of all, we will know which finger is called what? As shown in the picture, the finger on which "A" and "I" are written is called pinky finger.As shown in the picture, the finger on which "B" and "H" are written is called the ring finger.As shown in the picture, the finger on which "C" and "G" are written is called the middle finger.As shown in the picture, the finger on which "D" and "F" are written is called index finger."E" figure is called thumb.

What is Unicode?

The full name of Unicode is Universal Character Encoding Standard.Unicode describes how individual characters are displayed in text files and documents, including Web pages.There are many types of Unicode, UTF-8 and UTF-16 are very common in these courts.UTF-8 encoding is used on the web and it is the default encoding in software programs. For example : Shruti,Akshar.

What is Ansi?

Ansi and UTF-8 are both encoding forms. ANSI is a standard belonging to Microsoft for the character set and is used to encode Latin characters. Whereas, UTF-8 is one of the implementations of Unicode which includes more than 128,000 characters.For example : Gopika,Saral,Saumil...

How to Get Gujarati Alt + Code in Word in Steps

Step 1 :First open Microsoft Word and then click on Insert Tab.

Step 2 : After clicking on the Insert tab, you will get the Symbol option on the right side of the list.

Step 3: As shown in the picture, after clicking on the symbol option, click on the option of More Symbols in the thing which has come in front of you.

Step 4:Now click on any symbol you want to see its alt code.As soon as you click on the symbol, you will find its short alt key at the bottom.

FAQ-Frequently Asked Questions

1.How to start Gujarati Typing?

  1. Firstly open the website.
  2. Choose Gujarati language.
  3. Click on start typing.
  4. Fill your name and email address.
  5. Click to start.

2.What is the position of body while typing?

Firstly sit fully straight on a stool. Use your both hands and 10 fingers while typing. Set fingers on their positions and make sure your hands are on floating position. Not to touch the keyboard expect fingers.

3.How to build up the speed or accuracy in the Gujarati Typing point?

The first step to incline typing speed is concentration while typing just focus on the screen. As “practice makes the man perfect”. If speed does not increase at once try again and again until when your speed will be 30+ and accuracy will be 94+.

4.How to change the language of the typing point?

In the right side of the home page a significant number of languages are displayed. You can select any of them and enjoy typing. There are a lot of languages such as Gujarati, English, Hindi, etc.

5.How to know about different languages?

At the home page there is the brief description present about the different languages. By this, you can cane to know about particular language from which you are not familiar about. Moreover, a bit little history is also displayed on this screen.

6.How to get the certificate from typing point?

Just give an exam and get a certificate of the typing skill which can be used for different job purposes. Certificate will be in 2 languages that is Gujarati and English.

7.What are the benefits of using typing point?

There are ample of benefits of using this website you can enjoy a lot of languages in a particular site. Beside this, this is the only site which can provide free online certificate which can help ones to seeking different type of jobs. Along with this, which the help of this typing point you can definitely learn typing in 10-12 days by practicing continuously 1 how a day.

8.Is it safe to type any of the private information on your Typing point?

Yes, we takes care of everyone’s privacy even though we also don’t know what are you typing here, it is just in between you and your personal computer.

9.Why people need to use typingpoint.com?

It is well designed website to improve or learn your typing skills in each and every language and it provides accurate result of your speed and accuracy of spelling. Moreover, it provides a certificate of typing to the users.